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New Patients

at Paris Mountain Animal Hospital


Selecting a veterinarian is like choosing a pediatrician. We recognize the potential importance of choice. The visit for your pet will be comfortable and beneficial thanks to the constant efforts of our staff. We offer cutting-edge tools and a spotless facility at Paris Mountain Animal Hospital. Most meetings last 30 to 45 minutes, allowing our veterinarian to evaluate your pet thoroughly. We provide recommendations based on your pet's age, breed, lifestyle, and temperament since we recognize that each patient is unique. Because you are the expert on your pet, we always consider your interests.

Please provide the information below before your pet's initial visit to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian. For your pet to become acquainted with our environment, we ask that you arrive ten minutes before their appointment. We can assist you in retrieving your pet's documents if you are transferring treatment from another animal hospital, or you may bring them along to the appointment. Please include the contact information for your other veterinarian if you want us to contact them; we will take it from there.

New Patient Appointment Form

Please fill out the below form to schedule an appointment.